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20 January 2020

Alumni EM Normandie launches its new website

School's life

This was one of the flagship projects revealed during the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Alumni EM Normandie Association: a new website to better promote the Association and its actions. It’s live now, so let's discover it!

Student and Graduate members of the Alumni EM Normandie Association can now enjoy a brand-new website:

Missing media item.

With its new design and functionalities, this responsive design website is easier to read, more performing and more user friendly to enhance the user’s experience.  Designed by Netanswer, an agency specialising in the design of community websites for many alumni associations, it allows members to access their profiles on their personal space, but also to trace a former cohort friend, a future colleague, a future recruiter or customer! A map also helps find members in the vicinity and helps realise the strength of the network.

The website also offers a Careers area with access to job offers and the Career Path Scheme Support Service proposed by the network, a diary of all the events organised by the association in France and abroad with an easy on-line registration module, current events, the Association’s magazine or information on what happens to other members (appointments, starting a business, etc.).

Collaborative and scalable, this platform will undoubtedly make interaction between the association and its members, and between members, much easier and will contribute to the dynamics of the network.

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