Double Degrees in France or Abroad
At EM Normandie, you have the opportunity to take a Double Degree with one of the School’s partner universities, in France or abroad during the last year of the Master in Management and the Bachelor Management International.
The strong points of a double degree option
Earning a double degree allows you to master a foreign language, to explore another culture and to show your ability to adapt to a different environment. These qualities are in high demands among today’s recruiters.
Stand out from the pack by displaying a double degree on your CV! Earning a double degree allows you to:
- Differentiate your profile from other candidates
- Access international firms more easily
- Start with a high position and salary
Double Degrees Abroad
Master in Management
To date, 15 destinations allow the Double Degree option for the Master in Management. The degrees awarded are very diverse and cover many opportunities to study in another language in a cross-cultural context.
Find out more about the partner institutions
Bachelor Management International
In year 3 of the Bachelor Management International, Osnabrück in Germany and Lillehammer in Norway offer you the double degree option.
Double degrees in France
Master in Management students also have the opportunity to earn a double degree from one of our partner academic institution in France the IAE Caen, under the Atrium programme (exchange for M2 students)
Programmes offered:
- M2 Gestion d'Actifs contrôle des Risques et Conformité
- M2 Management de l'Economie Solidaire
- M2 Ingénierie et expertise des politiques sociales locales
- M1 et M2 Comptabilité, contrôle, audit (2 years mandatory - recruitment at the end of the M1 Year)
- M2 Conseil et recherche
- M2 Management et Commerce International - parcours Développement international de la PME/PMI
- M2 Management et Commerce International - parcours Franco-Américain
See all testimonies-
My Expat' to Santiago
Jules about his expatriation to Santiago
Jules looks back on his expatriation to Santiago in a partner university in Chile, an international experience now offered from the third year of the Master in Management programme.
My Expat' in Séoul
Axelle, Master in Management student on expatriation in Seoul
Axelle looks back on her expatriation to Seoul during a year in a partner university.
My Expat' in Barcelona
Manon, Master in Management student on expatriation in Barcelona
Manon tells us about her expatriation to Barcelona during a year in a partner university (over two separate semesters due to Covid).
My Expat' in Boston
Paul, Master in Management student on expatriation in Boston
Paul tells is about his expatriation to Boston during a year at a partner university.
Mon expat' in Beppu
Camille, Master in Management student on expatriation in Beppu
Camille, a student on the Master in Management programme, tells us about her expatriation to Beppu in Japan as part of her second year.
Mon Expat' à Kuala Lumpur
Gabin, Master in Management student on expatriation to Kuala Lumpur
Gabin, a Master in Management student, tells us about his expatriation to the School's partner university in Kuala Lumpur.