Visits from professionals
Use your skills to investigate real-life business scenarios, and understand how companies really operate.
Use practical examples to gain an understanding of human resources management
My lessons on gender inequalities cover equality between women and men, as well as the sensitive topics of gender-based discrimination and sexual violence. There is often a militant approach to these kinds of topics, whereas I wanted to bring a scientific perspective. I presented scientific studies and statistics to back up each fact covered or idea put forward. Three professionals working in the field also came in to share their experiences. Students carried out a number of simulation exercises and took part in a roleplay session with an actress.
Violette Kerleaux
CEO at Purple Lab.
Lecturer of the M2/ MS Human Resources Manager
Develop critical thinking and learn how to apply your knowledge to real corporate human resources management situations. Develop your practical skills, and learn how to use tools by carrying out practical tasks.
When developing a systemic understanding of a subject, learn how to actually deploy so-called “effective” scientific research tools. Use the many real-life examples and simulation exercises provided by your speaker to apply your knowledge in a practical way.
Set up your own business with the help of an entrepreneurship expert
I am a lecturer and researcher in marketing, specialising in entrepreneurship. My thesis was on group support for women who want to become entrepreneurs. I also research student entrepreneurs, informal support and neuro-entrepreneurship. Prior to that I was a company director and have set up three companies. The M2 in Digital Entrepreneurship is a unique journey which covers all areas of entrepreneurship, ideation and setting up a business. There is a strong trust relationship between teachers and students.
Marie-Hélène Duchemin
Assistant professor in Marketing
Set yourself up to create your own digital business, support new start-ups or become a start-up manager. Challenge yourself to fulfil the tasks on this journey, gain inspiration and get started in digital entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship.
Take part in the creathons and hackathons held throughout the semester, and present your project pitch at a competition with a cash reward for the best entries! Every year, there is a winning prize of €400 offered by one of our partners for future start-ups.

Innovation Academy (OIA) is a unique service based on digital transformation
Christophe Yver launched this tech and management crossover adventure when he created M2 in Start-ups and Digital Development, which is now the M2 in Digital Entrepreneurship. Despite the problems which arose during the pandemic, the adventure continues. We hope to relaunch the Orange Innovation Academy. This unique French partnership incorporates the EM Normandie Business School, ENSICAEN National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Center, and the innovative “Orange Lab” led by Orange.
Marie-Hélène Duchemin
Assistant professor in Marketing
As part of your M2 year in Digital Entrepreneurship, you can choose Orange Lab as your compulsory assignment and set up your own innovative business.

From September, the Director of Orange Lab Normandy will be coming in to present the topics to be covered during the year. Meet engineering students at a pizza evening, and take part in group reflection and brainstorming sessions before the ideation phase begins. Create an entrepreneurial team and forge links with members of your group.
Set up your company with a mixed team of managers and IT technicians. Receive coaching throughout the year from ENSICAEN, EM Normandie and Orange Lab staff. In February, take part in a competition with prizes for the winning teams, and you could win a long-term partnership with Orange Lab to support your project.
The programme is set to resume in 2022 with a sustainable development-based topic.
An example of one of the projects which has been launched
MAYYA is a hospital geolocation tool which guides patients, visitors and medical staff when inside the hospital.

Inspiring seminars
Inspiring seminars are held twice a year as part of the M2/MS Marketing Strategy and Business Development. They enable students to gain perspective in relation to both personal and professional issues that they encounter. In these seminars, School alumni and other leading figures talk about their life experiences. They recount their careers and describe any difficulties that they have had along the way, talking about the key choices they have made which have subsequently brought them to where they are today.
Dimitri Laroutis
Professor in Marketing
Professionals invited to inspiring seminars include:
- Sébastien Duho
Director of Operations Kusmi Tea Paris - Léa Lassarat
President of the Le Havre Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and Company Director
Take part in our Regional Intelligence (RI) seminars
Over the past 10 years, EM Normandie has been organising an RI seminar five times a year, giving our learners access to high-level professionals in the field of business and regional intelligence. These longer sessions provide plenty of time for discussion and to address any questions that arise on the chosen theme. Some professionals work specifically in the field of business intelligence, while others have knowledge of or lead research into regional business intelligence. Some work in the public sector (local councils, consular networks), while others are based in the private sector (large companies offering ‘RI’ services, consultants). There are also professionals with operational responsibilities, executives tasked with making strategic decisions, researchers and sometimes politicians. They have ties with the local area and region, and also work on a national, European or even global level. Diversity is at the core of the seminar’s ethos. Moreover, RI processes and practices are based on cooperation between business development stakeholders in the region and on a strategic purpose. The fact that regional strategies are at stake makes this cooperation all the more complex and necessary. Cooperation can be achieved through decision-making, behaviours, and forging links between organisations and individuals.
Ludovic JEANNE
Assistant professor in geopolitics
Expand your vision of strategy-related issues facing regions and regional economic development stakeholders, and develop effective business intelligence benchmarks. Develop a business intelligence vision based on awareness and recognition of a shared destiny, for a range of stakeholders in a specific region, thereby boosting regional employment and shared prosperity.
Regional Intelligence Notes: Regional Development Strategy

EM Normandie now promotes these seminars by providing and distributing its Regional Intelligence Notes: Regional Development Strategy It plans to soon make the content and discussions which form the added value of these seminars more widely available.
Following the relevant seminars, the following Notes have already been released: Companies SVP and Opteama, Patricia Sajous (Geographer at the University of Le Havre), Thibault Renard (Senior Adviser of CyberCercle), Philippe Clerc of the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Specialist Adviser for Studies and Forward Planning, President of the International French-speaking Business Intelligence Association) and Emmanuel Schillewaert, ENGIE’s Normandy Regional Manager.