The “Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions” Chair
The use of new technology has become far more widespread, across all sectors of the economy (services, industry, etc.). Organisational structures, sectors and the relationships maintained between stakeholders have been profoundly altered as a result. In order for digital transformation to remain synonymous with performance and competitiveness, it is important to review our overall strategy and our business models, how work is organised and relationships with customers within companies.
The school seeks to remain at the forefront of knowledge in our fields and to prepare our students in the best way possible to meet business needs. To achieve this, the Chair is evolving in two complementary ways. First of all, it is studying the effects of the introduction of new technology on organisations and beyond. It is also interested in those who support the changes within organisations. In addition, Crédit Agricole wanted the Chair to have a closer link with their startup accelerator: Viillage By CA. The Chair will therefore focus more on innovation and more recent technology (such as virtual worlds or the metaverse, for example). The Chair’s new name highlights these two parallel developments: digitalisation and innovation in organisations and territories.
A Chair supported by local stakeholders
The Chair has three main sponsors: Crédit Agricole Normandie and the PTBG group. The TES competitive cluster, the benchmark in terms of innovation concerning high digital technology, and the Normandy Region, are also partners of the unit and have invested in its various projects. Their support will boost the development of the digital sector in the Normandy territory.
The research themes of the "Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions" Chair
The Chair's researchers focus their work on four major themes related to the digitalisation of the economy and put forward several questions that may form the basis of their work.
Research subjects
Digitalisation and digital maturity of organisations
Normandy companies: Presence and perception of digital in Normandy companies: what are the levers of digital transformation in companies?
From Norman local authoritiesDigital tools in organisations
Conditions of acceptance and their impact on organisations (the use of social networks, the metaverse, tablets, monitoring tools, etc.)
Platformisation of the economy
- At the scale of a territory
- On the scale of a sector of activity (for example, the restaurant sector)
- At the scale of a company (setting up online platforms to capture new ideas and develop organisational creativity)
The challenges of data
The role of data and data science in corporate strategy. Beyond the reflections on data protection, let's work on its accessibility, reliability and usefulness. The reflections are focused on two particular issues:
Cybersecurity (digital confidence)
The opening of data (new business models)Entrepreneurship and innovation in the digital age
Digital for entrepreneurship and innovation: digital support and digital animation of networks of actors
The specificities of entrepreneurship and innovation in the sectors at the origin of the digital transformation (semiconductors...)
26th and 27th June 2023
The Metis Lab EM Normandie, the Innovation Research Network (RRI) and the Fabrique du Futur are pleased to announce the organisation of the third edition of the DisrupTechs Agora conference (DTA23).
This year, the general theme will be disruptive technologies and resilience.
The objective of this round table is to discuss the role that disruptive technologies can play in coping with unexpected events and sudden changes such as those we have experienced, in number, recently (health crisis, geopolitical tensions, climatic imbalances, terrorist attacks...).
The afternoon of 26 June is dedicated to the "crossed views" of the research and business worlds on disruptive innovations and resilience. The objective of this half-day is to encourage dialogue between these different players by comparing their points of view and sharing their experiences in order to think about the future.
The day of 27 June is dedicated to the presentation of academic articles. In the form of workshops, researchers will have the opportunity to gather advice and recommendations to improve their work and prepare them for the special calls for papers attached to the conference.
Studies published by the Chair
- When digital drives out digital
- What are the keys to transforming digitalised companies into digital companies?
- Semiconductor shortage: thoughts, solutions and priorities
- Agriculture, the weak link in the digitalisation process?
Read the latest articles published by the Chair on the EM Normandie blog
- Quelles clés pour transformer les entreprises digitalisées en entreprises numériques ? by Mathilde Aubry, Holder of the Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions” Chair
- Quelle place pour l’intelligence artificielle dans les entreprises normandes ? by Mathilde Aubry, Holder of the Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions” Chair
- Enseignement et numérique : (re)trouver l’équilibre by Mathilde Aubry, Holder of the Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions” Chair
- Livre blanc : l’éthique et l’acceptabilité au cœur des technologies disruptives by Mathilde Aubry, Holder of the Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions” Chair
Mathilde AUBRY
Holder of the Chair "Digitalisation and Innovation in Organisations and Regions"
White paper - Disruptive technologies and sustainability