EM Normandie
The CSR approach
EM Normandie has placed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development at the heart of the School’s strategy. The policy in this respect is transversal and addresses the entire EM Normandie community. It is characterised by four founding action verbs: Preparing, Sharing, Federating, Doing.
EM Normandie’s core business is to train and prepare future generations for SD and CSR stakes. To achieve this, the School has created and designed:
Research & Faculty
Cross-disciplinary academic inputs focused on SD and CSR
The School offers all students a set of courses as early as Year 1 (U1) and also in their Year 5 specialisation (M2).
CSR is the backbone throughout students’ study paths, thus guaranteeing progression in these subjects as students become mature in their learning. These topics are at the heart of all programmes with articulated and consistent learning objectives.
SD also includes Ethics, Management, CSR, Green Business, Sustainable Consumption… a view that the School develops not only in ‘traditional courses’, but also through an innovative approach with the Sulitest administered to our students in their very first year.
Research Axes in Social Responsibility
EM Normandie is determined to produce and promote research. Over the 2016 – 2017 period, 19 academic articles on topics dealing with SD or SR were produced, as well as 39 academic papers, 8 book chapters and 92 articles in the professional press. These contributions bear evidence of the diversity and research range within the School.
Furthermore, EM Normandie is developing research called Economic and Territory Development, Circular Economy and Energy Transition.
(DETECTE). This project aims at reviewing the impacts of methanisation on territories (Normandy, Brittany, Loire Valley Region, New Aquitaine) and to understand the actors at play, in order to produce analyses of developmental factors and of those mechanisms at play to combine the maintaining, turning around and starting of activities revolving around methanisation, while integrating environmental protection concerns.
A support scheme
Individually, students can find support on issues of housing, and help from a social worker, a psychologist, a social fund and a ‘Disability’ Office.
For more information, please click hereProfessionally students benefit from a Career Path Scheme, a unique, phased and differentiating path towards employment. This scheme allows our students to show their competencies, and thus build their own professional projects to complete & successful professional inclusion.
For more information, please click here
This is the pivot in stimulating relevance of the SD and SR project within and around the School. Dynamic progression in the actions carried out are reflected in recurrent and participative communication through conferences, workshops, exchange forums for information and experience feedback.
For more information, please click here
EM Normandie also organised a BarCamp on SD and CSR. Thirty students, accompanied by CSR Managers from the Network of Companies for Environment (EpE) and the School’s lecturers/researchers had informal exchanges on targeted interrogations such as ‘Could Digital Transition save the Environment?’ or ‘The climate in today’s (and tomorrow’s) occupations!’
Success in organising the School’s positioning on these issues relies on the integration of its values at all levels of its pedagogical approach and the consensus it wishes to generate.
The School has strengthened its engagement with public, private, local and national partners (Institut Régional du Développement Durable, Club INNE,…)
‘Agir ensemble’, a Label for acting together
On 23rd October, EM Normandie renewed its commitment to Sustainable Development by joining the city of Caen and other Higher Education institutions and received the 'Agir ensemble' label. This scheme aims at promoting local co-constructed initiatives that contribute to developing Sustainable Campuses within Sustainable Territories. The School has the ambition to change students’ everyday mobility and daily practices in order to increase the efficiency of sustainable development policies on Campus.
The School builds overall synergy by carrying out concrete initiatives, in-company consulting and the deployment of student-led projects.
Student projects
Many Student Society projects focus on social and humanitarian actions at regional and international levels by drawing attention on innovative actions in favour of the environment and local supply chains, such as Soleil Indien (India), Lama'ttitude (Peru), Burkina F’asso (Burkina Faso), Zazasoa (Madagascar) or the Colybride project.
Environmental projects
Actions in favour of environmental management are also supported by the School’s Services:
- Drawing up a transport diagnosis to prepare for a Corporate Transportation Plan (PDE) or Mobility Plan for 2018
- Equipping the School’s fleet with ECO2 vehicles,
- Organising internal carpooling and funding 50% of season tickets for employees commuting between their homes and the workplace, on public transport.
- Developing of selective waste collection (cans and plastic bottles + paper +WEEE with, in particular, further sorting with the La Poste Recygo Scheme to recycle office paper.
- Integrating environmental concerns to invitations to tender (paper, furniture, cleaning products).
- Investing, under the framework of an EDF contract, in an Eco contribution in favour of renewable energies.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report