colloque conferences evenements scientifiques recherche

The Métis laboratory

Activities of Métis

EM Normandie brings solutions to economic actors in its territory and puts its expertise at the service of professionals by developing applied research through endowed chairs or carrying out research or expert consulting assignments.

The partners of Métis

At EM Normandie, research can only exist and grow by weaving strong links with domestic and international academic partners. 

Thus, the reputation and attractiveness of Métis is strengthened by its collaboration with Normandie Université and such federating research bodies as Structure Fédérative de Recherche en Logistique (SFLOG).

The internationalisation of the research activity is evidenced by collaboration with foreign universities, such as Corvinus Business School at  Corvinus University in Budapest and the Management College at  UMass in Boston. These agreements are based on researchers’ annual meetings, during international days organised in turn at EM Normandie and at both these universities.



The Métis Laboratory research activities are evaluated by the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES). In 2022, this independent administrative body paid tribute to the improvement in the Lab’s results that have experienced a marked evolution in their production ‘owing to an ambitious development policy’ and ‘structured and efficient management’.

sylvaine castellano


Dean of Faculty and Research
