Being a student at EM Normandie
Prepare your back-to-school
What is the CVEC?
Does EM Normandie have accommodation on its campuses?
How do you find accommodation if there is none on your campus?
My health affects my schooling or I have a disability: what can I do?
What are the back-to-school dates at EM Normandie?
Does the school offer a concierge service to its students?
International students
How do I get into a Business School as an international student?
How does the admission process work for international students?
Can we visit the EM Normandie premises at any time of the year?
Why study at a French business school as an international student?
What services are available to support international students?
What are the conditions for access to work-study training for international students?
I am an international student can I apply for a scholarship?
Admission for international candidates
How to make a CV to enter a Business School?
How to succeed in the oral examinations?
How do I get into a Business School after a 2 / 3 or 4-year degree?
How to get into a Business School after High School?
How do I pay the application fee?
Can I apply to multiple programmes?
How long does the admission process take?
Do I have to detail my internships - work experience - student jobs in the "professional experience" section?
I found your school through the advice of an education officer. Does this change the process for me?
How do I fill in the surname/first name in my form?
What exemptions are available if I do not have a language test?
Business Schools
How do accreditations work?
How are school fees set?
What is a business school?
Why join a French business school?
What are the criteria for choosing a business school?
Why do business schools exist?
What distinguishes the "Grandes Écoles" from other business schools?
What is the legal status of Business Schools in France?
How are Business Schools financed in France?
How are school fees used by schools?
Why choose a triple accredited Business School?
How are educational and pedagogical technologies evolving in France?
Student life
What services are offered to members of the Alumni Association?
How does the integration into a business school work?
Which school should I choose to study and work abroad?
What do business schools train for?
How to thrive in a Business School association?
How do you integrate into your new city?
How to apply for a CROUS scholarship?
I am an international student: am I entitled to specific assistance during my stay in France?
Work-study programmes
What is work-linked learning?
Why go to a business school on a work-study course?
Why do a work-study programme at EM Normandie?
How to find a company for your work placement?
Is it possible to do a Master's degree as a work-study programme?
Should I choose a work-linked or initial training Master's degree?
Why complete your studies with a work-study experience?
What are the work-study courses offered at EM Normandie?
What is the rhythm of the work-study programme?
What salary for a work-study programme?
Is it possible to do a Bachelor's degree as a work-study course?
Should you choose a work-study Bachelor's degree or initial training?
Practical info about work-study
Is it possible to break a work-study contract?
In which company and sector of activity should I do my work experience?
If the company asks me questions about the work-study programme: who can help me?
When should I start looking for a work placement?
Is the number of work experience places limited?
How to prepare for an interview for a work placement?
Can I do my work-study contract abroad?
If I manage to get a work placement abroad: how are the courses delivered?
Is it possible to combine work experience with grants?
Are work-study students eligible for the activity allowance?
Who pays your tuition fees during your work placement?
What is the difference between an apprenticeship contract and a professionalisation contract?
What are my rights and duties as a work-study employee?
Do I have to keep my student health insurance during my work placement?
Which students are eligible for work-linked training?
How can I get more information about a course (programme - courses)?
How to contact the work-study team?
What payment methods does EM Normandie offer for paying tuition fees?
I am paying by cheque: which order should I use?
Is it possible to be debited on a day other than the last day of the month?
Can I pay an invoice in cash?
Can I pay an invoice by credit card?
I have validated my registration file online but I have not received the request to sign the school contract
What does the "percentage" box in the "financial information" section mean when finalising the administrative registration?
How much does a business school cost?