Scientific events
The academic reputation and attractiveness of the Métis Laboratory are based on strong links woven with scientific partners. Research Conferences, Days and Colloquia are thus organised or co-organised on a regular basis by the Laboratory’s researchers.
These scientific events have an international objective and gather researchers and practitioners around major current economic issues such as Family Entrepreneurship, Project Management or Cross-cultural Management.
Colloquia and conferences organised or co-organised by the school
Philosophie and Management annual Conference
EM Normandie Oxford | 21-22-23 June 2024 -
The “Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility” 2023
University of Massachusetts (Boston) | 10-11 october 2023 -
Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference (ARSDC) 2023
Ho Chi Minh City | 20-21 july 2023 -
9th Georges Doriot Days
ESG UQAM Montréal | 5-7 july 2023 -
Disruptechs Agora
EM Normandie Paris | 26-27 june 2023 -
15th Philosophy of Management annual conference
EM Normandie Oxford | 2-5 june 2023 -
Data and Sustainable Navigation conference
EM Normandie Le Havre | 25-26 may 2023 -
Disruptechs Agora
EM Normandie Paris | 4-5 july 2022 -
UMASS colloquium- EM Normandie: "Assessing Corporate Social Performance"
EM Normandie Paris | 17-18 may 2021 -
8th Georges Doriot Days : "Entrepreneurship at a time of societal collapse?"
EM Normandie Paris | 27-28 may 2021 -
Corporate Social Responsibility across the Atlantic: Reviews, Issues and Perspectives
Boston, University of Massachussetts, USA | 22-24 may 2019 -
35th International AFM congres « Marketing and territories »
Le Havre | 14-17 may 2019 -
20th ROADEF congress in partnership with LITIS and LMAH
UFR Sciences and Technics at Le Havre University | 19-21 february 2019 -
55th colloquium ASRDLF about "economic actors and regionalisation"
EM Normandie Caen | 4-6 july 2018 -
GOL'2018, 4th international conference on logistics operations management
EM Normandie Le Havre |10-12 april 2018 -
Cyber security research days
EM Normandie Le Havre | 4 april 2018 -
International workshop on Artic
EM Normandie Le Havre | 15 march 2018 -
Research days on harassment at work
EM Normandie Paris | 1st february 2018
International conferences in partnership with UMass Boston College of Management
Integrating its research work into an international dynamic is one of the objectives of EM Normandie. To this end, a pedagogical and research-based partnership has been established between the School and UMass Boston College of Management (UMBCM).
This partnership, based on the mobility of students and teachers from both structures, is divided into two main areas:
Implementation of exchanges allowing students of the school to spend a semester in Boston and American students to study intercultural management on the Caen campus.
Organisation of annual international conferences between the two schools
The first international conference "Corporate Social Responsibility across the Atlantic" was held in Boston from 22 to 24 May 2019, with research professors from EM Normandy and Umass.
Journées Georges Doriot
The creation of the Journées Georges Doriot in 2006 has allowed Entrepreneurship Research teams from EM Normandie, HEC Paris and ESG UQAM (Montréal, Canada) to come together.
These ‘days’, organised every other year, are an opportunity to put into practice three of the major principles of research: practical intelligence, cross-disciplinary orientation and openness to professionals. The scientific community and the professional world thus exchange through talks, debates and workshops dedicated to the topic of the year’s edition.
The 2018 edition of the Georges Doriot Days took place in Montréal on 15, 16 and 17 May 2018. Topic: ‘Entrepreneurship and Sharing: what is the potential for social transformation?’
The 8th edition of the days wil take place on 27 and 28 May 2021 in a 100% digital format.