The "Skills, Employability and HR Decision Making" Chair
In June 2019, EM Normandie launched a Research Chair in « Competencies, Employability & HR Decision Making », in partnership with PerformanSe, Saven and Aksis, three key players in the Human Resource field. Held by Dr Jean Pralong, a Lecturer in HRM, this research unit aims at casting a scientific and objective vision on the current transformation of the world of employment and to bring to light the new competencies required by companies to design innovative strategies and to ensure their growth.
Digital technology and its consequences on the world of work
In a rapidly changing world, particularly under the impetus of digital technologies, there is a strong need to renew the study of employment in general and employability in particular. In the end, little is known about changes in the relationship to work and career. There is also a lack of knowledge about how individuals' expectations of companies in terms of employment and employability are formulated.
The Chair's work is organised around 3 mains axes:
- Axis 1: Professional trajectories. The Chair analyses career differences by focusing on cause-and-effect relationships with individual behaviours.
- Axis 2: HR decision making and digital tools: analysis of decision-making processes of organisations and individuals in terms of careers, recruitment or employment.
- Focus 3: Employability.
Studies published by the Chair
#04 Marque employeur : game over ?
#07 Du mauvais côté de l'algorithme
#08 Should I stay or should I apply?
Read the latest articles published by the Chair on the EM Normandie blog
- Les quatre ancrages des stéréotypes générationnels by Jean Pralong, Holder of the Skills, Employability and HR Decision Making Chair
- Pourquoi votre super DRH choisit-il de mauvaises applications ? by Jean Pralong, Holder of the Skills, Employability and HR Decision Making Chair