What jobs are available after a Business School?
Aiming for skills rather than jobs?
After the Baccalaureate many students do not have a clearly defined career plan. By entering business studies their wish is to move towards a "managerial" position and to acquire the skills needed for this position. They do not necessarily have a precise idea of the profession or sector of activity in which they wish to develop: finance - digital marketing - international trade - accounting and management - human resources management - etc.
What professions do business school students go into?
Joining a business school is often considered as a guarantee of successful professional integration but also as a lever for development during higher education thanks to a dynamic student life - opportunities for expatriation - professional immersion. Moreover by offering a wide range of specialisations: management schools aim to give their students the opportunity to find their own path.
What are the figures for integration into the job market?
Each year the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) publishes the results of its job placement survey which reflects the level of job placement of graduates from its 38 member schools in France. These surveys evaluate the duration of the job search - salary levels - the sectors of activity - functions that are recruiting - the level of satisfaction of graduates - etc.
What are the major changes in our societies?
New technologies - new lifestyles - consumption patterns... the uses and associated skills are constantly evolving. Many new jobs are being created while others are tending to disappear. Discover the main trends in the most promising sectors of activity.
How are schools adapting to these new models?
The range of courses offered by business schools is constantly being enriched to prepare professionals capable of meeting these new challenges - agile managers with specific skills related to their future profession.
How are traditional business sectors reinventing themselves?
The very dynamic luxury sector is undergoing significant upheaval in France and internationally and is developing new professions - particularly in the digital field - to meet the needs of this industry in full revival.