International learning
The School’s teaching includes a strong international dimension which permeates its different teaching formats. One of these is remote classes co-led by professors located on different international campuses.
Get the ultimate student experience by taking part in a class delivered by a professor in Asia, another in North America and a third professor with you in the classroom!
Try out international online collaborative learning
EM Normandie has joined forces with Laval University in Canada to set up the ‘COIL’ partnership (international online collaborative learning). The partnership enables us to deliver classes simultaneously with participants from all over the globe. In March, myself and Nolywé Delannon, Professor in International Management, held a 2.5-hour event on working with and managing virtual teams entitled “International Human Resources Management”.
Helena Karjalainen
Associate professor in Intercutural Management
Take part in live lessons led by institutions from different countries. You’ll benefit from the expertise of a range of speakers, find out about new ways of thinking and interact with students from different cultures and backgrounds.
The shared lesson with Laval University in Canada included both presentations by the two professors and discussions with students. This shared lesson format was really popular with students, who said that they would like to repeat the experience.
Share your lessons with students on the other side of the world
Take part in lessons attended both by students who are physically present in the classroom, and students taking part remotely via video conferencing. Enjoy lessons in workshop format combining theory, practical tasks and creative group work.
This system enabled 46 students from the AUB to remotely attend Luxury Experience Marketing lessons delivered by an expert in this area. Students from both institutions were able to take part in a total of 33 hours of shared lessons.