Aneta Orlinska



Assistant Professor in Human Resources management


Aneta Hamza-Orlinska is an Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management. She joined EM Normandie in 2021. She has a PhD in management from the Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, awarded in 2019. Her thesis is on the ambivalence of Diversity Management local reinterpretations in the Polish subsidiaries of four international companies and she received the second prize for “best doctoral research project” at Atlas-Afmi conference in Madagascar (2017). Her research interests are diversity management, cross-cultural management, and transfer of human resource management practices from multinational companies to their subsidiaries in Europe. Prior to joining EM Normandie, she worked in Trinity Business School, Dublin Business School and Paris-East Créteil University.

Professional experience

Since 2021: assistant professor in human resources management, EM Normandie
2020-2021: Academic Director, Dublin Business School, Irlande
2019-2021: adjunct professor, Trinity Business School


Organisational studies & HR Management
Subjects taught
Organisational Behaviour Management of multicultural teams Project management Sociology and Organisational Theory
2019 : PhD in Management Science, Université de Paris-Dauphine-PSL


  • Orlinska, A 2019, 'The ambivalence of Diversity Management local reinterpretations in the Polish subsidiaries of four international companies: a multi-case study approach, PhD in Management Science, Université de Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Maj, J, Hamza-Orlinska, A, Sytnik, I, Stopochkin, A & Özbilgin, M (forthcoming), 'Misrecognition and labor market inclusion of refugee mothers', Gender, Work & Organization. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Maj, J, David, A, Hamza-Orlinska, A, Filipowicz, M & Kubiciel-Lodzińska, S (forthcoming), 'An Intersectional Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Female Ukrainian Migrants and Refugees', International Entrepreneurship Review.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A, Maj, J, Shantz, A & Vassilopoulou, J (forthcoming), 'Unlearning Diversity Management', Journal of World Business. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Maj, J & Hamza-Orlinska, A (forthcoming), 'Exploring inclusion in the remote start-up landscape: A case study analysis, Central European Business Review.


    Academic articles

  • Orlinska, A 2017, 'Corporate Commitment to Diversity in the Local Perspective of the Polish Subsidiary of a Multinational Corporation: A Qualitative Exploratory Study', Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership, vol. 4(4), p. 19.


    Academic articles

  • Maj, J & Hamza-Orlinska, A. 2023, 'How isolation in remote work re-shapes the inclusive climate. The case of independent workers'. EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, June 14-16.


    Academic communications

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A, Maj, J, Kubiciel-Lodzinska, S, Sytnik, I & Stopochkin, A. 2023, 'Refugee experience as a new diversity dimension? Case study of a production company in Poland employing Ukrainian refugees', EURAM, Dublin, Ireland, June 14-16.


    Academic communications

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A 2022, 'A private organization going public– how does the change of ownership affect the implementation of diversity management. An example of the energy sector in Poland', EURAM, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Maj, J & Orlinska, A 2022, 'From resistance to “re-polonisation” of diversity management policy in the energy sector', EURAM, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Orlinska, A 2017, 'Corporate Commitment to Diversity in the Local Perspective of the Polish Subsidiary of EDF: A Qualitative Exploratory Study', 17th international joint conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 20-21.


    Academic communications

  • Orlinska, A 2017, Etude de gestion de la diversité en contexte international à l'exemple du groupe EDF', 7ème Conférence Internationale d'Atlas AFMI, Tananarive, Madagascar, May, 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Orlinska, A 2015, 'Management de la Diversité en Pologne', 11ème Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité (Atelier doctoral), HEC Liège, Belgique.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A 2024, 'Le management des travailleurs indépendants nécessite une communication adaptée', The Conversation, March 11.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A 2024, '5 signaux d'alerte indiquant que votre entreprise "oublie" la diversité', Harvard Business Review, March 16.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A 2024, 'Les mères ukrainiennes réfugiées face aux discriminations sur le marché du travail', The Conversation, October 29.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hamza-Orlinska, A 2022, 'Ce que les séries nous apprennent sur la diversité des profils en entreprise', The Conversation, February 15.


    Articles in professional journals