
Assistant Professor in Managament

Academic Director of M2/MSc International Events Management


Laura Littre Valentin is Assistant Professor in Management and she joined the EM Normandie in 2023. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences from ESCP Business School, Panthéon-Sorbonne University (2023) and a master’s degree in marketing management from ESSEC Business School (2009). Based on a multi-sited ethnography of fairs, shows, congresses, and hybrid festivals in Europe and North America, her doctoral thesis explores the participants’ experience in embodied marketplaces and the ritual nature of business events. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the experience value of co-construction and co-destruction in the context of social acceleration common to most business events. Prior to her academic career, Laura spent 15 years working in transport and cultural tourism companies in Argentina, her country of origin, and France. After a consulting mission in Brazil, she began teaching in Bachelor, Master and Executive programs. Additionally, she has volunteered in several decentralised cooperation projects between France and Latin America. She is also Director of the M2 International Events Management program.

Professional experience

Since 2023 : assistant professor in Managament, EM Normandie
2016-2023 : assistant professor in Managament, ESCP Business School, Paris
2015-2016 : assistant professor in Managament, IDRAC Business School, Paris

Subjects taught
Experience and Event Performance Experiential Luxury Relationship Marketing
2023 : PhD in Management Science, ESCP Business School, Paris


  • Litre Valentin, L 2023, 'L’expérience du participant dans les lieux de l’événement marchand : contributions empiriques et conceptualisation à travers une ethnographie multi-située de foires, salons, congrès et festivals hybrides', Thèse de doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, ESCP Business School, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Litre Valentin, L 2022, 'La valeur de l'expérience est entravée par un déficit dans la qualité de la relation que le participant entretient avec l'espace, le temps et autrui', TransÉ, vol. 1(6).


    Academic articles

  • Litre Valentin, L 2011, 'Avaliaçao da demanda turistica da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Brasil à partir do análise da pesquisa realizada no aeroporto Tancredo Neves, Confins (MG)' In Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Turístico “Rota das Grutas de Lund”, Minas Gerais, Brasil. UNTWO Themis. Vol. 1. Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 43–64.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Litre, Valentin, L, Larquet, V & Badot, O 2020, 'Vers une incontournable refondation de l’événement ?' In Bunkanwanicha P., Coeurderoy, R. et Slimane, S. Editor (Ed.), Managing a Post-Covid19 Era, ESCP Impact Papers: 438-445.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Litre Valentin, L 2011, 'Análise da pesquisa com operadoras e agências receptivas de Belo Horizonte', Brasil. In Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Turístico “Rota das Grutas de Lund”, Minas Gerais, Brasil. UNTWO Themis. Vol. 2. Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 25–80.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Litre Valentin, L 2011, 'Avaliação de estratégias de turismo subterrâneo na França: Lascaux-Vallée Vézère-Les Eyzies, Aven d´Orgnac e Gouffre de Padirac. In Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Turístico ‘”Rota das Grutas de Lund”, Minas Gerais, Brasil. UNTWO Themis. Vol. 2. Madrid: World Tourism Organization, 10–14.


    Research books and book chapters