Roya TAT

Roya TAT


Assistant Professor in Supply Chain Management


Roya Tat is an assistant professor in Supply Chain Management and she joined EM Normandie in 2024. She holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Tehran in Iran and a Post-Doctorate in Operations Management from the IESEG School of Management in Paris, France. Her research interests include Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, Supply Chain Coordination/Contract Design, and Operations Management. She has several years of professional experience teaching various courses in Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain, and Operations Management

Professional experience

Depuis 2024 : Assistant Professor in supply chain management, EM Normandie 
2023-2024 : Associate Professor in supply chain management, ESC Clermont Business School
2021-2022 : Post-Doc in Operations Management, ISEG School of Management

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Subjects taught
Supply chain and Operations management
2020 : PhD in in Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


  • Tat, R 2020, 'Coordination of inventory policies in the sustainable pharmaceutical supply chain', PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Tat, R, Heydari, J & Mlinar, T 2023, 'Supply chain coordination: the application of consignment and zero wholesale price contracts under customized cap-and-trade and consumers' environmental awareness', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, vol. 51, n. 9/10, pp. 1388-1412. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R & Heydari, J 2021, 'Avoiding medicine wastes: Introducing a sustainable approach in the pharmaceutical supply chain', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 320, October. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R, Heydari, J & Rabbani, M 2021, 'Corporate social responsibility in the pharmaceutical supply chain: An optimized medicine donation scheme', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 152, February. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R, Heydari, J & Rabbani, M 2020, 'A mathematical model for pharmaceutical supply chain coordination: Reselling medicines in an alternative market', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 268. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Heydari, J, Zakaryaie, E, Tat, R & Heydari, E 2020, 'Channel coordination in a two-echelon supply chain with lead time reduction using a wholesale price scheme', International Journal of Procurement Management (IJPM), vol. 13(6). ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R, Taleizadeh, A.A & Esmaeili, M 2015, 'Developing economic order quantity model for noninstantaneous deteriorating items in vendor-managed inventory (VMI) system', International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 46(7), pp. 1257-1268.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R, Esmaeili, M & Taleizadeh, A.A 2014, 'Developing EOQ model with instantaneous deteriorating item for a vendor-managed inventory (VMI) system', Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, vol. 7(1), pp. 21-42.


    Academic articles

  • Tat, R, Mlinar, T & Heydari, J 2022, 'Supply chain coordination under customized cap-and-trade and consumers' environmental awareness', The 7th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR 2022), Zagreb, Croatia.


    Academic communications

  • Tat, R, Taleizadeh, A.A & Cárdenas-Barrón, L.E 2013, 'Vendor Managed Inventory Systems with backordering for Instantaneous Deteriorating Items', The 3rd International Forum & Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM), Bali, June 26-28 .


    Academic communications

  • Tat, R, Akbarzadeh, M & Ghomi Avili, M. 2012, 'The Multiple Server Center Location Problem using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm', The 5th International Conference of Iranian Council of Operational Research, Azarbaijan.


    Academic communications

  • Esmaeili, M, Tat, R & Akbarzadeh, M 2012, 'Comparing the Impact of Forecasting Methods on the Bullwhip Effect in the Supply Chain', The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference (IIEC2012), Tehran, Iran.


    Academic communications