vg venkatesh


Le Havre

Professor in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Vice Dean for Global Faculty Engagement


V.G. Venkatesh is a Professor of Supply Chain Management, and he joined the EM Normandie in 2019. He holds a Ph.D. in global sourcing from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. With 23 years of international experience and has a consistent publication record in reputable journals. He has received prestigious fellowships from Waikato University, CIAS Hungary, and the Erasmus Teaching Fellowship. He's held visiting fellowships at LaSabana University, Colombia, Linnaeus University-Spain, and PUCPR, Brazil. His name appeared as an influential academic in the global #ThinkAmplifyList of the University of Bath. He's a qualified trainer and a LIFETIME Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) member. He is affiliated with associations like CSCMP and IPSERA. He is the Area Editor of Operations Management and Research (OMRA) and a member of the Editorial Board of renowned journals, including the International Journal of Operations and Production Management (ABS-4*), Management Decision (ABS-2*), and the International Journal of Logistics and Management (ABDC-A).

Professional experience

Since 2019: Professor in supply chain management, EM Normandie

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Subjects taught
Supply Chain Management
2019 : PhD in global sourcing and sustainability, Waikato Management School, Waikato University, New Zealand
Read the articles on the blog


  • Hudnurkar, M., Ambekar, S. S., Bhattacharya, S., Venkatesh, V. G., & Shi, Y. 2024, 'Influence of supplier development on supplier satisfaction: a mediating role of buyer–supplier relationship', Benchmarking: An International Journal. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Wang, J., Wang, S., Shi, Y., Venkatesh, V.G, & Paul, S. K. 2024, 'Manufacturer’s optimal distribution strategy in the platform supply chain: Bundling or add-on?', Annals of Operations Research. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Bharathi S, V., Perdana, A., Vivekanand, T. S., Venkatesh, V.G, Cheng, Y. & Shi, Y.  2024, 'From ocean to table: examining the potential of Blockchain for responsible sourcing and sustainable seafood supply chains', Production Planning  and Control. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, VG, Menon, R & Vazudevan, H 2024, 'Leading Supply Chains during uncertainty', Supply Chain Tribe by Celerity, June, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 14-21.


    Academic articles

  • El Hathat, Z., Venkatesh, V. G., Sreedharan, V. R., Zouadi, T., Manimuthu, A., Shi, Y., & Srinivas, S. S. 2024, 'Leveraging Greenhouse Gas Emissions Traceability in the Groundnut Supply Chain: Blockchain-Enabled Off-Chain Machine Learning as a Driver of Sustainability', Information Systems Frontiers, 1-18. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Zhu, J, Shi, Y, Venkatesh, V.G, Islam, S, Hou, S & Asian, S 2024, 'Dynamic Collaborative Optimization for Disaster Relief Supply Chains under Information Ambiguity', Annals of Operations Research, vol. 335, pp. 1303-1329. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Alkaraan, F, Elmarzouky, M, Hussainey, K, Venkatesh, V.G., Shi, Y & Gulko, N 2024, ‘Reinforcing green business strategies with Industry 4.0 and governance towards sustainability: Natural‐resource‐based view and dynamic capability’, Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 33, issue 4, pp. 3588-3606. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Theophilus, D.C, Ramasubramaniam, M, Venkatesh, V.G, Shi, Y & Islam, S 2023, 'Location of Organ Procurement and Distribution Organisation Decisions and their Impact on Kidney Allocations: A Developing Country Perspective', Annals of Operations Research, vol. 321, pp. 755-781. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • El Hathat, Z, Venkatesh, V.G, Zouadi, T, Sreedharan, V. R, Manimuthu, A & Shi, Y 2023, 'Analyzing the greenhouse gas emissions in the palm oil supply chain in the VUCA world: A blockchain initiative', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 32, issue 8, pp. 5562-5582. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi, Y 2023, 'Virtual technologies adoption to sustain quality in the agricultural sector: An emerging economy perspective', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 388, February. FNEGE: 2 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Islam, S., Wang, M., Uddin, J., Venkatesh, V.G., Sakalayen, Q. 2023,, 'Barriers to vehicle-sharing among NGOs during disaster relief operations: Findings from a developing country's perspective', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 98, November. 


    Academic articles

  • El Hathat, Z., Sreedharan, V. R., Venkatesh, V. G., Zouadi, T., Arunmozhi, M., & Shi, Y. (forthcoming), 'Modelling and Analyzing the GHG Emissions in the VUCA world: Evidence from Tomato Production in Morocco', Journal of Cleaner Production. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Zhang, A, Venkatesh, VG, Wang, J, Wan, M & Qu, T 2023, ‘Drivers of industry 4.0-Enabled smart waste management in Supply Chain Operations: A circular economy perspective in China’, Production Planning & Control, vol. 34, issue 10, pp. 870-886. CNRS: 2 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES: A; ABS 3.


    Academic articles

  • Gningue, M, Bedoui, W & Venkatesh, V. G. (forthcoming), 'A Port Performance Measurement Approach Using a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Based on Stakeholders’ Expectations', Maritime Policy & Management. ABS-2.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Jeble, S, Venkatesh, V.G, Nagarajan, C & Shi, Y 2023, 'Antecedents for Agriculture Supply Chain Performance during COVID-19: An Emerging Economy Perspective', Operations Management Research, vol. 16, pp. 489-510. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Koppiahraj, K, Sankaranarayanan, B, Venkatesh V.G, Mani V & Shi, Y 2023, 'Optimal Sustainability Assessment Method Selection: A Practitioner Perspective', Annals of Operations Research, vol. 324, pp. 629-662. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE :2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi, Y 2023, 'A study of the sustainable agriculture value chain: a multi-method research perspective', International Journal of Value Chain Management, vol. 14, issue 3, pp. 247-286. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Ghouri, A., Akhtar, P., Venkatesh, V.G., Ashraf, A., Arsenyan, G., Tarba, S. Y., & Khan, Z. 2023, 'Enhancing supply chain innovation and operational agility through knowledge acquisition from the social media: A micro foundational approach', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Palaniappan, C., Ramasubramaniam, M., Venkatesh, V. G., & Mani, V. Shi, Y 2023, 'Can driver supply disruption alleviate driver shortages? A systems approach', Transport Policy, vol. 130, January, pp. 116-129. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi, Y (forthcoming), 'A study of the sustainable agriculture value chain: a multi-method research perspective', International Journal of Value Chain Management. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Umamaheswaran, S, Fernandes, S, Venkatesh, V.G, Avula, N & Shi, Y. 2023, 'What Do Employers Look for in “Business Analytics” Roles? – A Skill Mining Analysis', Information Systems Frontiers. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Alkaraan, F, Elmarzouky, M, Hussainey, K, & Venkatesh, V.G 2023, 'Sustainable strategic investment decision-making practices in UK companies: The influence of governance mechanisms on synergy between industry 4.0 and circular economy', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 187. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Rejikumar, G, Venkatesh, V.G, Mouri, N, Shi, Y & Gil, M.T 2023, 'Modeling and Analyzing the Online Food Delivery Services Using Design Thinking: An Optimization Approach', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 71, pp. 7913-7929. FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Shi, Y, Zheng, X, Venkatesh, V.G, Alhumadan, E & Paul, S 2023, 'The Impact of Digitalization on Supply Chain Resilience: An Empirical Study of the Chinese Manufacturing Industry', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, vol. 38 No. 1, Janvier, pp. 1-11.. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Wang, J, Shi, Y, Zhao, C, Venkatesh, V.G & Chen, W 2023, 'Impact of pricing leadership on blockchain data acquisition efforts in a circular supply chain', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 61, issue 21, pp. 7248-7262. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G., Tan, F.T.C, Bharathi, S.V.K., Ramasubramaniam, M. & Shi.Y (forthcoming), 'Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on Agriculture Supply Chain: Comprehensive Review and Future Research Directions', Annals of Operations Research. FNEGE : 2 - ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Benchekroun, S, Venkatesh, VG, Dkhissi, I, Persis, D, Manimuthu, A, Suresh, M & Sreedharan, V. R. 2023, 'Managing the retail operations in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Morocco', Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 44, issue 1, janvier, pp. 424-447. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Islam, S, Goerlandt, F, Sakalyen, Q.M.H, Shi, Y & Venkatesh, V.G 2023, 'Developing a “Disaster Scenario" to prepare for the possibility of disruptions to maritime transportation serving coastal communities of Vancouver Island', Marine Policy, vol. 150. FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C ; ABS : 2;


    Academic articles

  • Liboni, L.B, Cezerino, L.O, Alves, M.F.R, Jabbour, C.J.C & Venkatesh, V.G 2023, ‘Translating the Environmental Orientation of Firms into Sustainable Outcomes: The Role of Sustainable Dynamic Capability’, Review of Managerial Science, vol. 17, pp. 1125-1146. CNRS : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Kumar, A, Mani, V, Jain, V, Gupta, H, & Venkatesh, V.G 2023, 'Managing healthcare supply chain through Artificial Intelligence (AI): A study of critical success factors', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 175. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Suthar, J, Persis, J, Venkatesh, V.G, & Shi, Y (forthcoming), 'Exploring Smart Quality Predictive Modelling Approach: A Case Study of the Injection-Molding Industry'. Production Planning and Control. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi, Y 2023, 'Virtual technologies adoption to sustain quality in the agricultural sector: An emerging economy perspective', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 388, February. FNEGE: 2 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G, Deakins, E, Mani, V & Kamble, S 2023, 'Agriculture Value Chain Sustainability during COVID-19: An Emerging Economy Perspective', International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 280-303. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; ABS-1 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Sahoo, S, Kumar, A, Mani, V, Venkatesh, VG & Kamble, S 2022, 'Big Data Management Activities for Sustainable Business Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector', IEEE- Transactions on Engineering Management, pp.1-15. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Kumari. S, Raghuram, P, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi, Y 2022, ‘Future Perspectives on Progressive Farming with Adoption of Virtual Reality Technology for Sustainable Quality in Agriculture’, TQM Journal, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 250-279. CNRS : 4 ; HCERES : C ; ABS : 1.  


    Academic articles

  • Alkaraan, F, Albitar, K, Hussainey, K& Venkatesh V.G 2022, 'Corporate transformation toward Industry 4.0 and financial performance: The influence of environmental, social, and governance', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 175, February, 121423. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Fernandes, S, Panda, R, Venkatesh, V.G, Swar, B.N & Shi, Y (forthcoming), 'Measuring the Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Decisions - A Scale Development Study', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Shi, Y, Arthanari, T, Venkatesh, V.G, Mani, V & Islam, S. 2022, 'Used vehicle global supply chains: Perspectives on a direct- import model from Japan to New Zealand ', Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 333-347. CNRS: 3 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Manimuthu, A, Venkatesh, VG, Arisian, S, Shi, Y & Sreedharan, V. R. (forthcoming), 'Application of blockchain and smart contracts in autonomous vehicle supply chains: An experimental design', Transportation Research – Part E. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Arunmozhi, M, Venkatesh, V.G, Sreedharan, R & Mani, V 2022, 'Modelling and Analysis of Artificial Intelligence for Commercial Vehicle Assembly Process in the VUCA world: A Case Study', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 60, 2022, issue 14, pp. 4529-4547. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Arunmozhi, M, Venkatesh, V.G, Shi, Y, Sreedharan, R & Koh, S.C.L 2022, 'Design and Development of Automobile Assembly Model Using Federated Artificial Intelligence with Smart Contract', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 60 (1), pp. 111-135. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Peris, J, Venkatesh, V.G, Sreedharan, V.R, Shi, Y & Sankaranarayanan, B 2022, 'Modelling and analysing the impact of Circular Economy; Internet of Things and Ethical Business Practices in the VUCA world: Evidence from the food processing industry', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 60, 2022, issue 14, pp. 4529-4547. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Le, T.T, Vo, X.V & Venkatesh, V.G (forthcoming), 'Role of Green Innovation and Supply Chain Management in Driving Sustainable Corporate Performance', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 374. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Luo, W, Venkatesh, V.G, Shi, Y & Arthanari, T 2023, ‘Dominance and collaboration in logistics triads: the case studies from New Zealand’, Production Planning and Control, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 849-865. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A, Deakins, E & Mani, V (forthcoming), 'Antecedents of social sustainability noncompliance in the Indian apparel sector', International Journal of Production Economics. CNRS : 1 ; FNEGE : 1 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Liu, Y, Wood, L.C, Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A & Farooque, M 2021, ‘Barriers to sustainable food consumption and production in China: A fuzzy DEMATEL analysis from a circular economy perspective’, Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol. 28, October, pp. 1114-1129. 


    Academic articles

  • Fernandes, S, Venkatesh V.G, Panda, R & Shi, Y (à paraître), 'Measurement of factors influencing online shopper buying decisions: A scale development and validation', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Ghouri, A, Mani, V, Jiao, Z, Venkatesh, VG, Kamble, S & Shi, Y (forthcoming), ‘An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologies in  downstream operations’, Technological Forecasting & Social Change. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Sharma, D, Singh, A, Kumar, A, Mani, V & Venkatesh, V.G (forthcoming), 'Reconfiguration of Food Grain Supply Network amidst COVID-19 Outbreak: An Emerging Economy Perspective', Annals of Operations Research. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Belhadi, A, Kamble, S, Mani, V, Venkatesh, V.G & Shi.Y (forthcoming), 'Behavioral mechanisms influencing Sustainable Supply Chain Governance decision-making from a dyadic buyer-supplier perspective', International Journal of Production Economics. CNRS : 1 ; FNEGE : 1 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3. 


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A, Deakins, E, Mani, V & Shi, Y 2020, 'Supply chain integration barriers in port-centric logistics – An emerging economy perspective', Transportation Journal, vol. 59, n° 3, pp. 215-253. ABCD : B.


    Academic articles

  • Bag, S, Wood, L & Venkatesh, V.G (forthcoming), 'Application of Industry 4.0 tools to empower Circular Economy and achieving Sustainability in Supply Chain Operations', Production Planning & Control. FNEGE 2; CNRS 2.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, VG, Kang, K, Wang, B, Zhong, R & Zhang, A 2020, ‘System architecture for blockchain based transparency of supply chain social sustainability’, Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 63, june.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A, Deakins, E, and Mani, V 2020, ‘Drivers of sub-supplier social sustainability compliance: An emerging economy perspective’, Supply Chain Management - An International Journal, 25(6) pp. 655-677. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE :  2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Zhang, A, Zhong, R, Farooque, M, Kang, K & Venkatesh, VG 2020, ‘Blockchain-based life cycle assessment : An implementation framework and system architecture’, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, vol. 152, january.


    Academic articles

  • Bag, S, Luthra, S, Venkatesh, V.G & Yadav, G 2020,'Towards understanding key enablers to green humanitarian supply chain management practices', Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 31, n° 5, pp. 1111-1145. ABCD : B.


    Academic articles

  • Ghouri, A.M, Khan, N.R, Khan, M, Venkatesh, VG & Srivastava, H 2020, 'Market(ing) Wisdom Differences between Family and Non-Family Firms: An Empirical Study on Small and Medium Enterprises', Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 28, No. 2, June, pp. 171-200. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Zhang, A, Venkatesh, VG, Liu, Y, Wan, M, Qu, T & Huisingh, D 2019, ‘Barriers to smart waste management for a circular economy in China’, Journal of Cleaner Production, December. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B 


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, VG, Zhang, A, Deakins, E, Luthra, S & Mangla, S 2019, ‘A fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS approach to supply partner selection in continuous aid humanitarian supply chains’, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 283, pp. 1517-1550. CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Jeble, S, Kumari, S, Venkatesh, VG & Singh, M 2019, ‘Influence of big data and predictive analytics and social capital on performance of humanitarian supply chain’, Benchmarking: An international Journal, vol. 27, n° 2, pp. 606-633.  AJB : 1 


    Academic articles

  • Luo, W  Shi., Y & Venkatesh, V.G (2018) " Exploring the factors for achieving the Supply Chain Excellence : A New Zealand perspective", Production Planning and Control, vol. 29(8),  pp. 655-667. ABS 3; ABDC 


    Academic articles

  • Shi, P, Venkatesh, V.G & Wood, L (2018) "Cross-border E-commerce in China", Supply chain management review. ABDC B


    Academic articles

  • Luthra, S, Chan,F, Mangla, S & Venkatesh, V.G (2018) "Evaluating the drivers in successful implementation of information and communication technology for Sustainability Initiatives in Supply chains”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, vol. 17(1), pp. 311- 338.  ABS; ABCD. 


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Luo, C & Shi, Y (2018) “Third-party logistics to Third-party purchase- an evidence of transforming journey in China", APICS Magazine, Jan-March,  pp. 62-66


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A, Luthra, S, Dubey, R & Nachiappan, S (2017) "Barriers of Coastal Shipping- An Indian Perspective", Transportation Research D – Transport and Environment, mai, pp. 362- 378.  ABDC A


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Paluri, R & Bhattacharya, S 2016, ” Sustenance of India Apparel Manufacturing Industry in Post MFA period - A Strategic Analysis”, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 9(3), pp. 343-365. ABDC C


    Academic articles

  • Behl, A, Singh, M & Venkatesh, V.G 2016, "Enablers and barriers of mobile banking opportunities in rural India: a strategic analysis". International Journal of Business Excellence, vol. 10(2), pp. 209-239. ABDC C


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G & Srinivas, V 2016, “Passage to Prosperity: China way - An analysis”, Supply Chain Management Review, pp. 40-44. ABDC B.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G & Vidyasagar A 2015, “Managing International Operations in a Manufacturing firm – a case analysis”, Perspectiva – a Case Research Journal,  vol. 1(1), pp. 65-72.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Rathi, S & Patwa, S 2015, “Analysis on Indian apparel retail supply chain risks and risk prioritization model using Interpretive structural modeling”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, pp. 153-167.  ABDC A


    Academic articles

  • Dubey, R, Sonwaney, V, Aital, P, Venkatesh, V.G & Ali, S.S 2015, "Antecedents of innovation and contextual Relationship", Int. J. Business Innovation and Research, vol. 9(1), pp. 1-14. ABDC C


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Dubey, R, Joy, P, Thomas, M, Vijeesh, V & Moosa, A 2015, "Supplier selection in blood bags manufacturing industry using TOPSIS model". International Journal of Operational Research, 24(4), pp. 461-488. ABDC C


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Bhattacharya, S, Sethi, M & Dua, S 2015, "Performance measurement of sustainable third party reverse logistics provider by data envelopment analysis: a case study of an Indian apparel manufacturing group". International journal of automation and logistics, 1(3), pp. 273-293.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Dubey, R & Bhattacharya, S 2015, "An analysis on internationalization barriers of Indian apparel SMEs in the post–MFA period-a modelling approach". International Journal of Business and Globalization, vol. 14(3), pp. 351-381. ABDC C  


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G & Dubey, R 2014, “Packaging: Think inside and outside Box : Are we ready to PTO? ”, Supply Chain Management Review, vol. 18(6), (Sept/Oct 2014), pp.30-39. ABDC B.


    Academic articles

  • Dubey, R, Ali, S.S, Aital, P & Venkatesh, V.G 2014, "Mechanics of humanitarian supply chain agility and resilience and its empirical validation". International Journal of Services and Operations Management, vol. 17(4), pp. 367-384. ABDC C.


    Academic articles

  • Balasubramanian, D, Kher, D, Dinesh, M, Madan, G, Shekharan, S & Venkatesh, V.G 2014, "Factors Influencing Successful Implementation of Green Manufacturing", AIMS International Journal of Management, vol. 9(1), pp. 1-16.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Dubey, R & Aital, P 2014, "Analysis of sourcing process through SAP-LAP framework–a case study on apparel manufacturing company". International Journal of Procurement Management, vol. 7(2), pp. 145-167. ABDC C.


    Academic articles

  • Dubey, R, Singh, T., Samar Ali, S, Venkatesh, V.G & K. Gupta, O 2014, "Exploring dimensions of firm competencies and their impact on performance: Some exploratory empirical results", Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 21(6), pp. 1003-1022. ABDC B.


    Academic articles

  • Dubey, R, Bag, S, Ali, S.S & Venkatesh, V.G 2013, “Green purchasing is key to superior performance: an empirical study”, International Journal of Procurement Management, vol. 6(2), pp. 187–210. ABDC C.


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Lavesh Punjabi, R, Kadam, Sandeep Patil, Vikas Gupta 2013, “ Returnable container collection process in Reverse supply chain operations – A case study with an Indian distillery operations”,  Journal of Supply Chain Management and Systems, vol. 2, No.  2, pp. 1-18. 


    Academic articles

  • Aravind Raj Reddy, S.Mohan Kumar & Venkatesh, V.G 2013, “Opportunities for Cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS) Warehouse Management System- An Indian Industry Insight”, Journal of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, vol. 6(2).


    Academic articles

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2010, “Reverse Logistics: an Imperative area of Research for Fashion Supply chain", IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 7(1/2), pp. 77-89


    Academic articles

  • Tripathy, K.K., Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V.G., Sukumaran Nair, M.P. and Jayalakshmi, R. (2023), "Introduction: World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities", in Tripathy, K.K., Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V.G., Jayalakshmi, R. and Sukumaran Nair, M.P. (Ed.) World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-9.


    Other academic contributions

  • Shi, Y., Venkatesh, V.G., Venkatesh, M., Fosso Wamba, S. & Wang, B. 2023, 'Digital transformation in supply chains: challenges, strategies and implementations', International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, vol. 53(4), pp. 381-386.


    Other academic contributions

  • Venkatesh, M, Fosso, S, Gunasekaran, A & Venkatesh, V.G (à paraitre), 'Emerging Trends in the Interplay betweenAnalytics and Operations in MSMEs', special issue, Annals of Operations Research.


    Other academic contributions

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, VG & Chintamani, B 2024, 'Circular Economy and Procurement Practices in Sugar Industry – An Emerging Economy Perspective', Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference 2024, Danang, Vietnam, July, 11-12.


    Academic communications

  • Kumari, S & Venkatesh, VG 2023, 'Antecedents for Procurement of Agriculture Commodities by Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS): Way Towards Social Circular Supply Chain in Emerging Economies', IPSERA annual conference, Barcelona, Spain, April 2-5.


    Academic communications

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, VG & Chintamani, B.G 2023, 'Antecedents for Circular Economy in Indian Sugar Industrial Ecology: A Way Towards Sustainable Development Goal', Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference, Ho-Chi-minh-City, Vietnam, July 17-18.


    Academic communications

  • Jaiswal, G & Venkatesh, V.G 2020, 'Dynamics of Social Auditing in the Global Textile and Apparel Supply Chain', International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Conference, USA, November 18-20. 


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Zhang, A & Deakins, E 2016, “ Impact of supply chain practices on Indian manufacturing firm on code of conduct adoption”, I5th International conference corporate Social responsibility, Federation University, Melbourne, Australia, Sept 4-6. 


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Dubey, R & Bhattacharya 2015, “Analysis of Priorities of Indian apparel SMEs in Post –MFA period - a MCDM approach”, International Conference on Evidence Based Management, BITS – Pilani, India, March 20-21.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G, Dubey R & Sadia, A 2014, "Disaster relief and Continuous supply chains in Humanitarian supply networks – are they same? – A congruent analysis", SocPros-2013 conference, IIT Roorkee & UCAL, Brekley, USA, Dec 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2011, 'Efficacy of Capacity building workshops for Crafts sector in improving SME business Operations', International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, September 22-23.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2011, 'Sustaining traditional Folk Crafts & Heritage Products from Deccan Plateau, India through Corporate Initiative- an Inside view of Sandur- Lambani CSR Project', International Congress on Corporate Social Responsibility, Chicago, USA.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2010, 'Sustainable Entrepreneurship – a Case study with an Indian Apparel Manufacturer', International  Meeting of Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes, Taiwan, March. 


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2009, 'Strategies to cut cost & improve the environmental Performance in Apparel Manufacturing', International conference of Advanced Textiles & Non- textiles, Sathiamangalam, India,  Decembre. 


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2009, 'Challenges in Indian Fashion Retailing – Strategies to Evade', International Conference in Retailing, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, December.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2009, 'Green Manufacturing – an Imperative area in Fashion Production at ECO- STEPS', National Conference on Eco Apparels, India, August. 


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2008, 'Automated Data Capture Techniques in Apparel Manufacturing', National Conference, Bangalore, India, November.


    Academic communications

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2008, ' Apparel manufacturing an Insight', National Conference on Apparel Industry, Coimbatore, India, February.


    Academic communications

  • Bhattacharya, S., Venkatesh, V.G., & Chatterjee, S. R 2024, 'Responsible Corporate Leadership Towards Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals', Springer ed., 410p.


    Research books

  • Pant, S.C., Venkatesh, V.G., Panday, P., Shukla, G.P., Parhi, S. 2024, 'Emerging Trends in Food and Agricultural Marketing', IGI Local Publishing, October, 452p.


    Research books

  • Tripathy, K.K., Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V.G., Sukumaran Nair, M.P., & Jayalakshmi, R. 2023, 'World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities', Emerald Group, UK, 222p.


    Research books

  • Tripathy K.K., Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G, Sukumaran Nair M.P. & Jayalakshmi R 2023, ‘Introduction: World healthcare cooperatives: Challenges and opportunities’, in Tripathy K.K., Kumari, S, Venkatesh, VG, Jayalakshmi R & Sukumaran Nair M.P. World Healthcare Cooperatives: Challenges and Opportunities, December, Emerald Publishing limited, pp. 1-9.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Kumari, S, Venkatesh, V.G. & Shi, Y 2023, 'The Sustainability roadmap for the food industry 4.0', in Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering: Volume I - Fundamentals, Technologies, and Management, pp. 42-49.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Bhattacharya, S, Sethi, M, Behl, A & Venkatesh, V.G 2018, “Regression Methods in CSR Research Domain”, in Handbook of Research Methods in CSR, Cowther, D & Laussen, L, (Eds) Edward Elgar Publications (UK) 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Luthra, S, Mangla, S & Venkatesh, V.G 2017, 'Management of Risks in Sustainable Supply Chain using AHP and Monte Carlo Simulation', in Chain Management Strategies and Risk assessments in Retail environments, IGI Publications (UK)


    Research books and book chapters

  • Venkatesh, V.G & Luthra, S 2016, 'Role of Sustainable Procurement in Sustainable Manufacturing Operations – An Indian Insight', in Handbook of Research on Strategic Management of Sustainable Manufacturing Operations, (Eds) Angappa Gunasekaran and Rameshwar Dubey, IGI Publications (UK) 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davey, V & Venkatesh V.G 2014, 'Changing paradigms of Organized Retail Industry – A Vision for 2020', Edited book on Growth of Unorganized Sector in India, Grabs Trust.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Venkatesh, V.G 2011, 'Sustaining traditional Folk Crafts & Heritage Products from Deccan Plateau', in India through Corporate Initiative- an Inside view of Sandur- Lambani CSR 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Chandrasekaran, N & Venkatesh, V.G 2021, ‘Samrudh Solutions: Choice of Service Offering for Business Sustainability’, India Case Research Center, All India Management Association (AIMA).


    Case studies

  • Venkatesh, VG 2013, " Process Improvement Through Value Stream Mapping & Mathematical Modelling in Schneider Electric Infrastructure Limited, India". European Case Clearing House (ECCH), The Case Research Center, no. 613-001-1. 


    Case studies

  • Al Humdan, Shi, Y, Behina, M & Venkatesh, VG 2024, 'Embracing An Agile Ecosystem Through Digital Transformation', Supply Chain Management Review, March 29.


    Articles in professional journals

  • 2021

    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V G (2013) “ Time for Introspecting the curriculum in SCM “, CII Institute of Logistics and SCM Pro, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 34


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G (2013) “FDI in Retail – Is the Indian Logistics up for the Challenge”, Smart Logistics, vol. 3, Iss. 10, pp. 20-21


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G (2012) “Packaging Logistics in Cargo - A safety Mechanism for Products” Smart Logistics, vol 3, Iss. 9, pp 36-37.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G (2011) ”Learning the Ropes -Supply Chain Education Column”, Log.India, Vol 5, No 2, pp 50-52. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G & Seshan, A (2009) " Kanban –Important Determinant of apparel Overproduction", Stitch World, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 34-38.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G (2007) “Logistics - an imperative area for a merchandiser”, Apparel Views, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 42-45 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, V.G (2007) “RFID – an emerging technology in apparel manufacturing" Apparel views, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 46-48. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Venkatesh, VG 2021, ‘Antecedents of social non-compliance in the apparel manufacturing sector’, Vidéos Fnege Médias, November 16.


    Scientific dissemination videos