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jerome maitre matthieu neirinck
Jérôme Maitre & Matthieu Neirinck

Pied de Biche Founders

EM Normandie, to leap forward

We joigned the EM Normandie via the SESAME National Admission Test Bank. Throughout our study path, we were dreaming about starting our own business. We had a file where we sorted out all our ideas. One day, we decided to take the plunge and to embark on the venture! We resigned from our respective positions to build the project that really mattered so much to us. That was the ideal time to do so as we had nothing to lose and we were in a position to face the risks in this adventure. 

Throughout our study path, we were dreaming about starting our own business.

The history of Pied de Biche

Our greatest wish was to achieve a project quickly and easily. We had a special attraction for shoes and we wanted to imagine and create our own product. As we studied the market, we soon realised we would be the first ever pure players to offer both quality upmarket shoes at an affordable price level.

The toughest difficulty was probably to find a plant and to be credible. Pied de Biche was not yet a brand name and had no official legal existence.

We only had our drawings to convince manufacturers. Eventually, a plant in Porto believed in our project. We began working on an IKEA table and later on we joined a co-working space. Pied de Biche was officially launched in May 2015 thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. This was an outstanding success and we have just moved into our own offices!

Starting a business, probably the best School there is

The two of us alone would never have started Pied de Biche, as shoemaking was not our pet activity. We were referred to professionals who coached us as regards accounting and legal aspects. The contribution from our relatives also proved indispensable. We are immensely grateful to them!

Réseau EM Normandie also supported us a great deal by communicating widely on our project and relaying our campaigns.


Jérôme & Matthieu's advice :

If you wish to start your own business, don’t hesitate to seek help from as many people as possible. You must be aware of the difficulties and above all, you should not be put off by this. The sky’s the limit when you are engaged!


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